
The Fellowship Committee exists to demonstrate Christ’s love through fellowship and hospitality and to provide a welcoming and friendly environment for our members and the community to gather in fellowship.

  • Fellowship creates an environment to encourage others to grow in their faith through fellowship and faith sharing.
  • Fellowship provides opportunities to unite others in love and faithfully serving God to use and share our gifts to serve as a blessing to others.
  • Fellowship coordinates events to use the church’s resources efficiently and involve others by focusing on faith and fellowship rather than the labor of the event.
  • Fellowship provides opportunities to encourage others to live out their passions and calling to serve God, by organizing and hosting events, promoting and encouraging fellowship, faith and uniting the family of Christ.

Please consider joining the Fellowship committee. Volunteering can be for just a one-time event or we welcome you to join our board and find out more about our planned events. It’s a great way to meet members, become involved with our church and serve our Lord Jesus Christ! 


Fellowship Events

Sunday Morning Coffee
Chili Cook Off
Camping Weekend
Family Picnic
Movie / Game Night
Trunk or Treat
Biennial Oktoberfest

Ministry Events

Advent / Lent Midweek Meals
Church Receptions / Meals
Cookie Ministry
Live Nativity
Youth Easter Breakfast
'Sharing the Faith' Meal