Lamb of God Lutheran Church

College Care Packages

College Care Packages

Every Sunday from 08/04/2024 to 09/08/2024

Coordinator: Youth Ministry |

Every year the Youth Ministry seeks to serve our college students through affirmation and encouragement!  We ask that college students, or their parents, provide us with a mailing address that will accept packages. We will send a care package for delivery before the Thanksgiving break.

Deadline: Sunday, September 8, 2024


College Care Package



Please provide an address that will accept package deliveries from the United States Post Service

Does your mailing address allow for USPS deliveries?*

If you answered no to the previous questions, please provide an address that we can send packages to.


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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Campus Ministry works through LCMS U, an initiative to connect and support Lutheran students as they head off to college and face countless challenges to their biblical worldview, doctrine, ethics and practices.

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